1) Compulsory literature:
Identification - syllabus
2) Background literature:
Angrist & Pischke (2009). Mostly Harmless Econometrics.
Ahlfeldt, Redding, Sturm, Wolf (2016). The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall.
Deaton (2010). Instruments, Randomization and Learning about Development.
Koster, Van Ommeren, Pasidis (2019). Shopping externalities and retail concentration: Evidence from Dutch shopping streets
Koster, Van Ommeren 2019). Place-based Policies and the Housing Market.
McCloskey and Ziliak (1996). The Standard Error of Regressions.
Sager (2019). Estimating the effect of air pollution on road safety using atmospheric temperature inversions.
3) Slides:
Identification I
Identification II+III